Crochet Popcorn Lines Baby Blanket

Hello Dear Friends!
In this article for you, we have chosen for you the most
beautiful model of colorful knitted baby blanket models
that are very easy to make.
Hand knitted baby knits are always preferred by mothers.
Blanket models are also among the most knitted handicrafts.
It is used according to the rope in winter and summer months.

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Bonibon Baby Blanket Making
I used exactly 10 colors for my blanket. All 10 color balls are finished.
I even used a little more than one each.
♦ However, the number of threads will definitely change
according to the size you will make.
Mine was a pretty big blanket, 100×100 cm.

324217946 710706214007893 250766932677704050 n 324466550 1535647673570555 6772755921197446335 n 324609401 555862659782746 6596536490446415170 n

♦ We start with the handrail by pulling the chain in the size we will do.
♦ While coming from the reverse of the model,
we complete the model with popcorn motifs that
we put in proportion between the frequent needles
and between odd numbers.
♦ While we are going straight through the knitting,
we always end with the handrail reverse,
frequent needle and popcorn motifs.
♦ I preferred a straight and single-row edge in the hem of the model.
Because my blanket was big enough and the model
was heavy enough anyway.
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you can share it by following us on your social accounts.
I wish good luck to those who want to do it.


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Click here for a video tutorial of this pattern