Gorgeous Floral Pattern Lace Motif Knit

 Hello Friends Today we have chosen a very easy flower crochet knitting pattern that   anyone  can do. Very beautiful and very stylish. Check out this great knitting technique for   beginners. We think it will be more than worth it if you find some spare time and start   knitting right now. After a pleasant work, you will feel more comfortable at home every day.   Thanks to the author for the video tutorial that will be our guide to design and of course   perfection. If you are a beginner, you can try the author’s apps and be sure that your   results   will be amazing.

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 This model is very easy to make and
an easy pattern that anyone can do
Although used in ancient times, this model is still
It is a popular and trendy model that women love to use.
 It is both convenient and washable. You can do anything from this model. The living room   set was prepared by our mothers as follows: a dowry set in our time. You can knit a   tablecloth, a runner, console covers, shawls and blouses. of course, whatever You can   choose it if you want to do it. The thickness of your yarn and your crochet number   accordingly.

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    Gorgeous Floral Pattern Lace Motif Knit

    Pattern Video Tutorial 

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 During the first start, 7 chains are drawn and loops are formed and closed. We knit a total   of  12 handrails by making 5 chains, 1 handrail, 2 chains and 1 handrail. done and closed.   In  the 3rd row, 3 chains are drawn in each box. 3 handrails and boxes are filled in this way.

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Gorgeous Floral Pattern Lace Motif Knit